Discover Oxford Indiana

Help Revitalize the Oxford Town Square:

Become a Member Today

We rely on annual giving, events, and grants to fund our work. Please consider a gift to help us grow. We are a 501c3 public charity; your gift is tax-deductible. 

Give Now

Donate online using the "Give Now" button or mail your check, payable to Discover Oxford Indiana, to PO Box 52, Oxford, IN 47971.

Membership Levels



Donors of all sizes help us tackle our goals. This is a great entry-level for small business owners or families who can afford $20 per month.



With the ownership of property, Discover Oxford will have additional  monthly expenses. Our Ambassadors believe in our mission and are willing to help cover those costs.



Our stewards understand our responsibility to the historic preservation of the Town Square. We have been tasked to care for it, so that it may be passed on to future generations.



Oxford is home. You believe in the opportunities that lie ahead and are ready to invest in  revitalization. Your gift can make an immediate significant impact.

Thank you for your support of Discover Oxford Indiana!

Discover Oxford Indiana